Sensual Whispers

caved pillows imprinted in twin heads, wrinkles furrowed on satin sheets of silent morn, lingering whispers of sweet-nothings murmured in night's ear, remnants of molten, vanilla candles, their dead wicks winking in early refulgence~ murmur stardust-secrets, Echo of blending breaths entangled and fragrant with passion, caresses exotic like molten, dark chocolate, trickling down butterscotch, emblazoned … Continue reading Sensual Whispers

Medley ~Versatile thoughts in Vignettes

love letters scribbled by fingertips of winter sunshine, on burnished epistles of autumn in wilted November, float whispering in cinnamon syllables, a fragrant tale of love nascent yet withered from boughs of vibrant imagery. dredges of stale cappuccino in paper-cup preoccupations, remind of conversations in moonlight between the starstruck. proclivities of a precocious dawn are … Continue reading Medley ~Versatile thoughts in Vignettes