Winter Moon

She sits forlorn, wrinkled and wizened on frostbitten grayish clouds under the veil of mist, determined to keep vigil in December chill warmed by distant embers of shining galaxies. She drinks from that half- filled cup of coffee left lukewarm on the window sill, breathing in the lingering scent of roasted peanuts and the luscious … Continue reading Winter Moon

Bland Are The Moods of Winter

Benign and blameless~ the mist clad, bland morn of December, like a lingering gasp of cerise, yearns for polychromatic epistles scribbled on canvas of March, Robbed of lush verdure after transient lure of burnished golds, denuded boughs shiver beneath quilting heaps of winking snowflakes in the faint honeydew sunshine. Within frostbitten soil's depths the daffodil … Continue reading Bland Are The Moods of Winter

Autumn Exuberance

kissing and tickling footsteps of departing summer, burnished foliage ~cinnamon confetti tinted in red, yellow and orange showered on solitude of dust trails fringed in dead grass, flies vagrant like syllables of a half-forgotten love-song~ lingering on crutches of fake confabulations. variegated are moods of verdure, stained by life's versatile experiences in graffiti hues born … Continue reading Autumn Exuberance