Nascent Motherhood

Within amber realms of anonymity and ambiguity, lost in slumber of innocence a soul awaits the moment of discovery of life's versatilities and intrigue. a tiny heart pulsates like the dialogue of clock's garrulous hands, while tiny hands and feet curled as petals in a calyx flutter at times to etch tired smiles of maternal … Continue reading Nascent Motherhood

Kick of Candy

Sailing within realms of amniotic complacence while anxieties soared outside like moods of barometric mercury, you were seemingly too lazy to bother with a breast or butterfly stroke inside aureate fluidities, while I eagerly awaited that softly knocked greeting which'd strum a caramel rain-song on frowning lips of worry. Palms cold and clammy, sought to … Continue reading Kick of Candy

Eulogies to the Forgotten…

1.Orchids within scaling crusts from oft ignored arms of silent benevolence, flimsy roots spread as octopus tentacles, struggling for survival: sapping vitality from dying sinews of antiquity, lost within misty recollections of frenzied storms of old- to blossom into vibrant hues, breathing exotic scents and wearing with panache, illusion of unsullied dewy, innocence- unknown to … Continue reading Eulogies to the Forgotten…